Marylyn & Jay 马瑞林阿姨和杰叔 馬瑞林阿姨與傑叔

我们在香港已经生活了19年了。我是一名家庭帮工,我丈夫也是一名司机。我们住在遥远的斯坦利市场的岛上。今天,我们终于在新冠疫情期间长时间无法回国后回到了菲律宾。我们对能够见到女儿从大学毕业感到非常兴奋,这是最让人激动的事情。在来这里之前,菲律宾是个非常美好的地方 - 凉爽而人流熙攘。在香港,我面临的最大困难是交通。四处走动很困难,必须走得很慢。但是如果你问我对任何人的建议,我会说始终保持积极。即使面临困难,积极的心态也能让你远离压力。过去,人们对我总是持消极的态度。但是现在我明白,只要保持积极和开放的心态,你就能接受一切并传播爱。从你的脸上我看到了这一点 - 你看起来积极,似乎欣赏一切。积极性真的非常重要。我们不后悔来到香港。我们喜欢这里。但是回到家乡看到女儿毕业,那真是令人兴奋的事情。

We've been living in Hong Kong for 19 years now. I'm a domestic helper and my husband is a driver too. We live far out on the island in Stanley Market. Today we're finally going back home to the Philippines after not being able to return for so long during COVID. We're excited to see our daughter graduate from university. That's the most exciting thing. Before coming here, it was nice in the Philippines - cool and crowded with lots of people. My greatest struggle in Hong Kong has been with transportation. It's hard getting around, having to walk slowly. But if you ask me for advice for anyone, I'd say always stay positive. Even when facing struggles, being positive keeps you from stress. I wasn't always this way. People used to think negatively of me. But now I know that if you stay positive and open minded, you can accept anything and spread love. I saw it in your face - you look positive, like you appreciate everything. Positivity is so important. We don't regret coming to Hong Kong. We love it here. But going back home to see our daughter graduate, that's truly exciting.

我哋喺香港住咗19年喇。我係一個家庭幫工,我老公都係一個司機。我哋住喺遠離市中心嘅斯坦利市場。而家我哋終於可以返去菲律賓,因為COVID嘅關係好耐冇得返去。我哋好期待可以見到我哋女仔大學畢業。呢個係最令人期待嘅事。黎緊我哋就要離開香港,返到菲律賓,真係好興奮㗎。喺嚟到香港之前,菲律賓好美嘅 - 凉爽同埋好多人。我哋喺香港最大嘅困難係交通。行動好辛苦,要行得好慢。但係如果你問我有冇啲建議俾其他人,我會話一定要保持正面嘅態度。即使面對困難,保持正面嘅心態可以令你遠離壓力。我以前唔係咁樣嘅。人哋以前都有啲負面嘅睇法。但而家我知道,只要保持正面同開放嘅心態,你可以接受任何事物同埋傳播愛。我喺你嘅面上見到咗呢一點 - 你好正面,好欣賞一切。正面嘅態度好重要。我哋唔會後悔嚟到香港。我哋好鍾意呢度。但返到屋企睇到女仔畢業,真係好令人興奮㗎。


Auntie Li 李阿姨


Christian 阿姨