Bruno 叔
You can call me Bruno. I'm visiting Hong Kong from Australia for a vacation. This is my fifth or sixth time coming here. It's a very interesting, beautiful city with much to do and see. I've been here about three weeks and I'll be leaving shortly back to Melbourne. Melbourne is more conservative and spread out compared to the vibrance of Hong Kong. I enjoy both cities but prefer coming to Hong Kong for holidays.
I've tried to see as much as I can - I've been to the Peak, Stanley, across the harbour, some of the outlying islands, and even to Macau for a day. The first time I came was in 2016 for five days. I liked it so much that I came back shortly after. It's a little quieter now due to COVID, but things seem to be getting back to normal.
During COVID we were locked up in Melbourne for long periods. I missed interacting with people, wasn't allowed to travel far or see others. We didn't know where it was going. I think it lasted longer here with so many people close together. You must open up and mix with all different cultures and peoples. Have an open mind. I preferred my own company for years and regret that now that I'm older. I'm happily retired and hope to come back to Hong Kong again, though in a cooler time of year. It's a bit warm for me now.
I walk as much as I can to see the city. I haven't been to the M+ museum yet, but want to go there on Monday if it's open. I've enjoyed the vibrancy and vitality here that Melbourne doesn't have. The harbour is beautiful. I'm only a visitor so can't compare too much on what goes on here, but it's a different perspective.
During COVID, we were worried not knowing where it was going. I was locked up in Melbourne, not allowed to go outside or travel more than a certain distance to get food. It was isolating not being able to interact with people. I'm sure it was similar here, but lasted longer with more people close together. You have to open up and mix with different cultures. I was insular for years and regret that now I'm older. I'm happily retired and look forward to coming back, though in a cooler time as it's quite humid and warm for me now.